Ideas and Tips

Soil testing is economically prudent. The appropriate application of nutrients and/or lime can save money. Don't buy nutrients that your soil doesn't need; instead, invest in those nutrients that will bring about healthy growth and yields. You can get a Soil Testing Kit from your Rutgers Cooperative Extension County Office or download the form from Rutgers website;  and send the samples in your own package with payment. The documents will provide details about taking soil samples and submitting them for fertility analysis. Choose the version under the appropriate category. A questionnaire should be filled out and sent in with each sample.

If your sprinkler heads are leaking water after the system has turned off or are on constantly two things may be happening.

The system may be draining water out of the lowest head(s). This leakage will last only a few minutes until the higher pipes in the system are empty of water. (Rain Bird offers the Seal-A-Matic (SAM) check valve to prevent puddling of water in lower heads if this is a real problem.)

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New Jersey, 07062
Phone: +1 (908) 668 0244
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Mon-Fri: 7am -4pm; Sat 7am-12pm

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324 Washington Street,
Orange, NJ, 07050. 
Phone:  (973) 673-0025

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Watchung, NJ 07069. 
|Phone: (908) 322-6078
Mon-Fri: 7am -4pm; Sat 7am-12pm


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